Reclaim your Joy
Un-pause your Life &
3X Pregnancy Rate
For Busy Women Trying to Conceive
You've been trying for god knows how long to get pregnant..
You're at your wits' end on what to do next.
You're tired of waiting.
You're over being the one left out of the mom's club.
You're sick of going to ANOTHER family get-together sans kids.
You NEED a way to supercharge your fertility.
A way that is gentle on your heart and mind.. because infertility has already taken so much
And you are feeling..
Mentally Zapped and Drained
You have no energy left. You can barely get through the day much less do anything extra. Instead, you are doing the bare minimum. You get up for work and go, but don't volunteer for anything extra. You skip happy hour, cause you're exhausted and don't want to have to converse with others. You go home to zone out on meaningless reality TV. Self-care is out the window.
Stressed and Anxious
Your entire life revolves around your fertility right now, and you spend all of your waking hours worrying about it. You hope you don't see a pregnant lady or hear of a pregnancy announcement at work, cause you'll go into full breakdown mode.. Ugly tears and everything. Let’s not even talk about the night! (Sleep deprived, anyone?)
Feelings of jealousy, resentment, anger and frustration have taken over. Your friend gets pregnant and instead of happiness, you get a pang of, "why her.. she didn't even try that hard." You shame yourself for waiting to start trying. You spend your free time searching the internet for a magic supplement to help instead of enjoying brunch with your friends who now just seem so annoying now. Who cares what beef Kim K had with Taylor Swift.. I'm trying to get pregnant!
It’s not fair this happened to you. You didn't deserve this, and you aren’t sure where to go from here. You tried it all- diets, supplements, acupuncture, and IVF. You feel like nothing you do can help. You feel a complete loss of control.
That's where I come in. Let me help you ease the burden so you can
Reclaim your Joy, Un-pause your life, and 3X your Pregnancy Rate
Let me give you the RIGHT tools for this chapter of your life.
It doesn't have to be this way.
What if instead you could give yourself
the BEST chance possible for pregnancy?
Had peace of mind, knowing you are doing all you could.
And on top of that,
What if instead of being emotionally tortured each day,
you could feel...
You know your UNIQUE super strengths and you’re using them to your full advantage. You trust your decision making skills. You’ve moved from the back seat to the driver's seat on your fertility journey. You know whatever comes next, you will be ok. You feel powerful again and can ask for what you need from your doc, and people in your life.
You KNOW a baby is coming your way. You can see them. You can feel them. You know it’s just a matter of time. The future is bright.
You have a renewed zest for life. You are doing the things you love to do again AND some new self-care that makes you feel AHHH-MAZING. You surround yourself with the people you love. While trying to have a baby is still a part of your life, it's not your whole life anymore.
Calm and Collected
You are cool as a cucumber. You go about your day and fertility journey with confidence. You can ACTUALLY think clearly and tell yourself how awesome you are regularly.
While you might have some bad moments, they are easily nixed and you can get back to fabulous you in no time.
Two Week Wait? Upcoming transfer? No worries, You got this!
With coaching, this is the type of transformation you can expect!
Hmm... Sounds great and all, but how does mindset work help me
Let me break it down for you.
The chances of getting pregnant aren't great, unfortunately.
There's a 20% chance per cycle for couples trying naturally
WITHOUT any fertility issues..
There's a 2-48% chance of pregnancy
per cycle of IVF (depending on age)
But what if I told you, you could TRIPLE your pregnancy rate?
How Mental Health Affects Fertility
Reduced Fertility, Increased Miscarriage
Anxiety and stress affect hormones that control ovulation. This leads to delayed ovulation and increased cortisol, which can shut down fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage.
Stopping treatment prematurely
The emotional toll of trying to conceive was cited as the NUMBER 1 reason women stopped treatment prematurely in otherwise good candidates.
Stress causes inflammation
Stress leads to more inflammation in the body. Inflammation affects implantation rates, affects nutrient absorption, and fuels inflammation related conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, and diminished ovarian reserve.
Depression is linked to lower pregnancy rates
A Boston University Study showed a 38% decrease in pregnancy rates when a woman had signs of depression.
And many other ways...
"But I also heard that diet,
supplements and acupuncture improve fertility
and I wanna try that first."
They CAN! And I FULLY support a holistic all-around approach..
Whether you're trying naturally or doing IVF,
Mindset Coaching is the BEST THING
you can do to increase your chances!
Still skeptical? Need the actual research from the guys in white coats?
Take a look at these peer-reviewed studies.
Domar et al, (2011). Impact of a group mind/body intervention on pregnancy rates in IVF patients. Fertility and Sterility. Volume 95, Issue 7. DOI:
Clifton J, Parent J, Seehuus M, Worrall G, Forehand R, Domar A (2020) An internet-based mind/body intervention to mitigate distress in women experiencing infertility: A randomized pilot trial. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229379.
"The results of the meta-analysis showed the effect of mindfulness on the success of treatment, and the chance of pregnancy in the mindfulness group was 2.895 times that of the control group, so the percentage of pregnancy in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion:Study: Tarahi M, Ghasemi Gujani M, Mohamadirizi S. Effect of Mindfulness-based Interventions on Success Rate of Infertility Treatments in Infertile Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sci J Iranshahr Univ Med Sci 2022; 2 (1) :7-12
Study: Li, J., Long, L., Liu, Y., He, W., & Li, M. (2016). Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on fertility quality of life and pregnancy rates among women subjected to first in vitro fertilization treatment. Behaviour research and therapy, 77, 96–104.
Study: Frederiksen, Y., Farver-Vestergaard, I., Skovgård, N. G., Ingerslev, H. J., & Zachariae, R. (2015). Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for psychological and pregnancy outcomes in infertile women and men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open, 5(1), e006592.
My coaching practices include these research-backed techniques,
& with my background as a mental health professional,
I'm trained on how to use these amazing interventions
to get you the results you deserve.
With my coaching, YOU can now
leverage the power of mindset and TRIPLE your Pregnancy Success Rates!
Introducing My Signature Coaching Package
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress
Take your Journey to a Place of Peace,
while Significantly Boosting your Fertility along the way with my Signature Coaching Program!
What We'll Do
Significantly Boost Pregnancy Rates
Almost Triple your Pregnancy Rate!
Release Reproductive Grief and Trauma
Acknowledge and process the disappointment, losses, and frustrations of infertiity
Ease your Stress and Anxiety with Practical Strategies
Reduce stress, boost hope, find calm with these easy to implement tools.
Change that inner critic to an inner cheerleader.
Let's uncover what might be lurking around in your mind that is weighing you down and transform those thoughts!
How We'll Do It
Use Mindset Tools Research has PROVEN to Boost Pregnancy
I'll guide you and give you the tools and knowledge on how to implement these pregnancy-boosting mindset tools.
Mapping your Journey and Targeted Grief Exercises
Using my unique method, we'll see the entirety of your journey thus far, and I'll give you personalized exercises to process your unique grief.
Research Backed Mind-Body Strategies to FEEL BETTER Immediately
Learn multiple instant mindset reset techniques along with other tools that boost happiness and calm over time for your fertility journey.
Discover, Disrupt, and Adjust Negative or Unhelpful Thoughts
I'll give you the formula to KNOW what nasty thoughts are hiding out, how to challenge them, and ultimately how to transform them so they don't weigh you down.
Get back your hope and get results..
Here's Proof from REAL women who completed Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress
Lea Nicole Coaching Clients, used with written permission
Here's your coaching roadmap!
Over the course of 10 weeks, we'll work through these 4 steps to totally transform your infertiltiy experience with the RIGHT support at the RIGHT time.
Release and Renew
In this cathartic intro step, we spend time going through your story thus far and work on releasing any pent-up emotions that have been lurking inside. . We'll also work on releasing any guilt you've been holding on to like the old.. I should have started sooner.You'll be ready to make way for a new plan and chapter that includes joy over pain.
Reprioritize: Building your Support Network & Tackling the Triggers
Now it's time to identify any missing gaps in your support system and fill those bad boys in. We'll also figure out your triggers and have a plan for them, giving you a protective shield while you build up your inner zen. Last, I also share a bonus on who to tell what to as you step forward in this journey.
Step 3
Revitalize: Mind-Body Rest with Fertili-Tools
Now that we have the foundational work in place, it's time to start resetting your mind and body to optimize fertility. I'll guide you through choosing the RIGHT Fertili-Tool for you and instructions on the how. We also delve into the power of affirmations, with you choosing the one that speaks to you.
Step 4
Reframe: Breaking Free from Negative Thought Patterns
It's time to evict that lil demon living rent free in your headspace. We'll go over exactly HOW to unearth those negative thoughts once and for all and tame them. I'll show you the exact formula for how to do this and we'll attack your frequent flyer thoughts together. You'll be left with thoughts that actually make you feel at peace and supercharge your fertility. We'll close with a strategy to incorporate all the steps to keep you moving forward on your fertility journey.
Are you READY to Lighten the Load,
Find Yourself Again,
& Boost your Fertility?
If you said YES, then you're ready or Fertility Coaching with me!
Your package includes...
A customizable 10 week Expert Designed Program
You'll get the keys to an immersive platform to access 10 modules that include step-by-step videos, transcripts, and helpful guides to walk you through all 4 steps of the transformation. Packed with evidence-backed strategies to radically improve your emotional well-being and 3X your pregnancy rate. This isn't some cookie cutter program. I consider your preferences, your unique situation, and guide you to the most effective tools and supports FOR YOU.
Lifetime access to all coaching materials
I know life during infertility is unpredicatable! so your coaching program should be flexible and work around YOUR schedule. Access the 10 online modules and bonus materials in your time, at your pace, for a lifetime! You are always able to hop back on for a quick review!
LIVE Individual Coaching Sessions
I"m all yours for four private sessions to fine tune what you've been learning! Held via video-conferencing, this is ALL ABOUT YOU..You won't be lost in sea of 200 other people on a call or left to do this alone. I'm here to guide you and offer support along this journey.
In-Between Support
On top of the sessions. you've got me in your back pocket for any additional support you may need! Questions, bad news, good news, a trigger? I've got you ! I'm just a DM away.
Take Action Support
This program goes above and beyond learning, it's about actually taking action! I make it easy with tailored exercises for you to do with templates and guides for you to keep!
Oh, wait.. Did I mention
These are so good, they're worth buying the package just for them!
Bonus #1 🤩
Eating For Fertility Masterclass
Get expert guidance on how to optimize your diet for fertility in this very special bonus, provided by special guest, Grace Armstrong, Fertility Nutritionist.
Bonus #2 🤩
Re-Center NOW Guide
Yours to keep! This guide breaks down 10 powerful calming and stress-reducing techniques ranging from beginner to advanced. These strategies are meant to be on-go tools you can use whenever you need! Includes step by step instructions and PRO-TIPS for optimizing your results.
Bonus #3🤩
How-to- Habit Guide
Imagine not only learning new tools to help you on this journey, but actually having them stick!
That's what this guide is ALL about! I give you step-by-step guidance on exactly what to consider so you can reach ALL your fertility and mindset goals!
Bonus #4 🤩
111 Fertility Affirmations
With this MANY affirmations at your fingertips, you'll have no problem finding ones that resonate with you! Grouped into categories, for easy finding such as "transfer affirmations, general fertility, IVF Stims, Post-Transfer, Early Pregnancy, you'll be in affirmation heaven. Also includes best practice tips for how to do affirmations. Yours to keep!
Bonus #5🤩
Miscarriage Support
If you have experienced loss, my heart goes out to you. All to often your left holding the bag, with no real guidance or support on how to move forward.
It stops here. I've included specific supports with a deep understanding of your loss and step by step directions and guides for exactly how to process your loss to move forward with peace in your heart.
Don't wait any longer..
Reclaim your Joy
Un-Pause your Life
3X Pregnancy Rate
Join NOW to Triple your Pregnancy Rates and Feel Better while Doing it!
The life you want is waiting for you... as soon as you say, YES.
A customizable 10 week Expert Designed Program- Access an expert designed program with evidence-based methods to radically improve your emotional well-being and 3X your pregnancy rate. (Valued at $2300)
LIVE One to One , Customized Coaching Sessions - 4 Private coaching sessions with Lea (Valued at $1000)
Lifetime on demand access - Access the online program at your own pace, in your own time, for life! (Valued at $500)
In-Between Session Support - Get Lea at your fingertips for anything you need (Valued at $1000)
Take Action Support -Tailored take action plan and guides for easy implementation (Valued at $1000)
Bonus #1 Eating for Fertility Masterclass- (Valued at $35)
Bonus #2 Re-Center NOW Guide- (Valued at $47)
Bonus #3 How-to-Habits Guide (Valued at $36)
Bonus #4 111 Fertility Affirmations- (Valued at $35)
Bonus #5 Miscarriage Support Bonus Module- (Valued at $50)
A $7,000 Value..
All yours for a fraction of the price
All Major Credit Cards and Paypal Accepted
Pay with your preferred credit card- Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover OR PayPal
Secure order
Lea Nicole Coaching uses secure processing sites so you don't have to worry!
Meet Your Fertility Coach
Hi, I'm Lea Nicole
Boosting women's fertility through mindset work is my thing. Why, you ask?
Cause I've been in your shoes.
IVF was a rollercoaster ride for me too. The ups, the downs, and everything in between. At one point, I didn't even recognize myself.
But once I started using mindset tools, things started to shift. I felt more peaceful and optimistic, and low and behold, I got and stayed pregnant on my next transfer. (Mindset work has been proven to do that!)
That's when I knew I had to help others on their fertility journeys.
Whether you're just starting trying, or have been through the wringer, experiencing loss or multiple failed IVF rounds,
You are not crazy or broken. And you don't have to suffer through this.
I'll provide you with research-backed strategies and support to help you feel better and increase your chances of success.
And while this is coaching, not therapy, you can count on my expertise as a mental health professional with over a decade of experience, and a SERIOUS passion for all things fertility!
Not sure if this is for you boo?
Here's a lil info to help you see if this is a fit!
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress is
You’re ready to take some action to turn the pregnancy odds in your favor
You are open to learning and trying new strategies
You are DONE letting the toll of infertility take over your life
You’re ready to be YOU again
You want real, evidence-based strategies and support
You’re ready to prioritize you and your well- being
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress is
You aren’t looking to get pregnant
You are not willing to try new strategies
You aren't willing to be on videoconference for sessions
You are just looking for someone to talk to (if so, check out my heart to heart sessions)
You want a program to incorporate crystals, tarot, signs, and astrology
Want to get to know me a little more first?
Let's chat & See if Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress is a %100 fit for you!!
Book your FREE Consult call now!
A one of a kind program for one of a kind results
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress isn't just another program with
lots of fluff and fairy dust.
You know, the ones with abstract concepts and terms like,
"Fixing your Feminine Energy" and "Removing Emotional Blocks" so you magically get pregnant.
(Although I'm always fascinated and intrigued by all of that!)
As a therapist, I'm clinically trained to use research and evidence-based practice. This has shaped my coaching practices and I ONLY use tools and strategies that have a proven track record to ensure you get the results you DESERVE.
Here's how Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress stacks up
against other Fertility Coaching Programs.
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress
Individual Support And Guidance That Is Relevant And Customized Just For You, With The Support And Guidance From a personal coach To Stay On-Track And Motivated.
Tailored Recommendations and Support Using Your Preferences, your interest, and your unique path thus far.
Wide array of mind-body options. This program gives support on a variety of options for mind- body support, so YOU can choose which ones suit you best.
Evidence-based practices that have a proven track record to boost pregnancy rates and build resilience and is delivered by someone who is trained to implement those methods.
Led by a professional mental health provider. Lea Nicole is a therapist, with a masters degree in psychology and over a decade of professional practice in the field.
All wrapped up in 10 weeks. My program is designed to give you the biggest bang in time and money. I take out the fluff and give you the actual tools and strategies that are proven to help you reclaim your joy, upnause your life, and 3X your pregnancy rate. I don’t want you to wait any longer than you have to to get the results you want and need in this chapter of your life.
Less than 1K Many other coaching programs with this level of support (1:1) cost thousands of dollars. I give you high quality coaching for a fraction of the cost because I want to help and support all women, not just the ones with an unlimited bank account. PS. This program runs you less than those Beyonce tickets! (no hate to Queen B!)
Other Fertility Programs
Limited Support- Group Coaching Models without individual support are rampant. You get lost in a sea (sometimes hundred of other women) and it can be hard to jump in and ask you question in front of EVERYONE. It's a go at your own pace (no or limited accountability or personal one to one support).
Blanket Advice and Recommendations - Many programs just tell you what to do without giving you options for customization or don't think about your differences.
Limited number or ONE Strategy, that you may or may not be a good fit for (Just yoga, just meditation, just reframes)
Unproven Methods or Quasi-Science Methods Just because something worked for a friend of a friend's cousin ,and they swear by it, doesn't mean you should invest time and money on it.
Led by someone with no or limited credentials. Anyone can call themselves a coach. And other fancy sounding things like hypnotist or neuro-linguistic- practioner are things anyone can get in as little as 2 days of training.
Lengthy Program with lots of unnecessary stuff and frills. Many programs take between 12 weeks to 6 months to complete, which only delays your transformation and boost to pregnancy!
Can cost THOUSANDS of dollars Many other coaching programs with one to one support cost thousands of dollars.
Are you ready for these type of results?
100% of Clients reported significantly improved Emotional Wellness
60% of clients got pregnant!
Your most burning questions about Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress ANSWERED 👇
The program was designed to work through a 15-30 minute module weekly over 10 weeks. Each module also has take action steps that go along with the weekly lesson that take about 10-30 minutes each. If you stay on this pace, you would finish in 10 weeks.You can also work thorugh the modules faster if you prefer. If you need longer than 10 weeks, that's ok too! You'll have access to the program for the lifetime of it!
As much as I wish I could say that, no, I (nor anyone else) can guarantee you get pregnant. What I can say is that this program will significantly increase your odds of pregnancy.
No, although I am a therapist, Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress is a Coaching Program and is not therapy, and shouldn’t be done in place of therapy (if that’s what you’re looking for). It CAN be done as a helpful add on to any therapy you are receiving. Coaching is a specific roadmap to help you navigate your journey and get you the results of boosting pregnancy rates and building resilience.
Great question! Coaching is more of set program with specific goals in place whereas therapy is more open-ended with a more undefined goal of improved functioning.
Therapy is meant as a tool for addressing psychological disorders and involves making a diagnosis, which does not happen in coaching. Therapy would be recommended either in addition to or before coaching if you feel like your day to day functioning is significantly impaired (can’t go to work, recurrent suicidal thoughts, self harm, etc).
If you believe you need therapy, please seek out a provider in your state or country.
I specialize in coaching individual women, not couples, but that doesn’t mean your partner can’t be supportive during this program!
Many women find it helpful to share with their partner some of the new tools they are learning to incorporate in their life (which may help him or her as well!). It's also fun to have a partner to do some of the activities with!
This program works regardless of what method you are using to TTC!
There is plenty of research to show that mind-body interventions improve pregnancy rates regardless of the method. If you are doing donor egg/embryo IVF, you also want to do what you can to get your mind and body most receptive to the embryo.
Aside from that, the emotional toll of TTC doesn't discriminate and all women need support!
First off, anyone, and I mean anyone, can call themselves a coach. It's not a regulated industry.
Although, I truly believe that life experiences are some of the greatest lessons we can have, that may not be enough to really change the game for you. If you are PAYING someone to change your mindset and use counseling or psychology principles (which mindset work is) I would hope that person has some level of formal training in higher education and not a quick certification.
I have spent YEARS studying psychology and have a masters' degree in it. I also have over a decade of formal experience using the tools I teach in my program with clients. I’m licensed to practice psychology professionally in my state. On top of that, I’ve also endured my own fertility journey and have been in your shoes. So I can guarantee you that the quality of intervention and support I provide is top notch!
The unfortunate reality is that in larger group memberships or courses, you often get lost in the shuffle. The coach doesn't get to really know you and your unique situation, so you don't get personalized support or recommendations.
Additionally, there isn’t any customization, and the chances of you getting your questions answered with the expert are slim. And must be done in front of hundreds of others, who you don't know.
With Achieve IVF with Less Stress, you get the flexiblity of an onlne coaching platform, WITH One to One coaching sessions for direct support along your way. You get me as an ally to keep you on track and motivated in a private space, so ALL of your questions get answered. YOU are top priority.
Great question! Once you join, you’ll get access to my coaching calendar and pick a time and date that works for you for each of your four sessions. I’ll send you a personalized link for that session and we will meet via video conference for 30 minutes. One way to approach this is to have a private session after you complete each of the four steps of the program so you can fine tune and ask questions.
First, I would be THRILLED for you!!! And I would continue working with you to make sure you are supported emotionally during your pregnancy. Although many women believe pregnancy will heal them emotionally, it often triggers more intense anxiety, making our work even more important.
Achieve IVF Success with Less Stress is a program that will build on your emotional resilience over time as you grow and master the tools and strategies we build on. The sooner you are able to put these into place, the sooner you will feel better and reap the benefits of improved pregnancy rates! Plus right now, I’m offering a VERY SPECIAL discount!
That’s totally OK and it’s to be expected! I’m here to support you through all of it, and I may even cry along with you for a bit!
I curated the program to get you the results in the shortest amount of time but MANY of my clients have reported feeling more positive after the first 2 modules or less! -That's 2 weeks or less!
The great thing about this program is that once you have these tools down, and you continue to implement and build on them, your quality of life will get BETTER AND BETTER.
know, I’ve been there. Paying for fertility treatments can really put you in a hard place and makes you really question any additional expenses.
But this is an investment in YOU and YOUR mental well being. These skills will not only help you get through this chapter now, but will be your anchor for anything else that comes into your life.
Additionally, This program will boost your chances of success significantly, and may likely result in fewer rounds of IVF or medical intervention. So for a FRACTION of the cost of ANOTHER round of IVF, you could essentially triple your odds and get your baby sooner.
If you are really interested in coaching me, and the money part isn't adding up for you, please let me know. More than likely, we can work out a custom plan for you!
If you want to cancel for whatever reason prior to our first session, I’ll happily refund you in full!
But, once we get going and have our initial session, there are no refunds as many of the services have been provided.
No, unfortunately not. coaching is generally not covered by insurance.
Have another question for me?
If so, please don't hesitate to ask!
Email me at lea@leanicolecoaching and I'll get back to you ASAP
One last thing...
Imagine yourself a year from now..
Where are you? What are you doing?
Are you still in the place you are today?
Are you still living in a dark place, unsure of how you'll keep going?
Are you still looking for ways to boost your fertility, but haven’t pulled the trigger?
Or are you..
Enjoying the season of life you are in, with a smile on your face.
With peace in your heart and mind, knowing you went for it?
Are you maybe, just maybe, sitting there with your newborn baby?
A year from now, will you have regretted doing something JUST for you? To ease the pain in your heart…To have strategies that will last you a lifetime no matter the circumstances.. To have given yourself that extra boost of fertility to get you over that line?
Only you can answer.
Now is the time, this is the program,
Let’s do this together.
From one fertility sister to another,
Don't wait any longer..
Reclaim your Joy
Un-Pause your Life
3X Pregnancy Rate
Join NOW to Triple your Pregnancy Rates and Feel Better while Doing it!
The life you want is waiting for you... as soon as you say, YES.
A customizable 10 week Expert Designed Program- Access an expert designed program with evidence-based methods to radically improve your emotional well-being and 3X your pregnancy rate. (Valued at $2300)
LIVE One to One , Customized Coaching Sessions - 4 Private coaching sessions with Lea (Valued at $1000)
Lifetime on demand access - Access the online program at your own pace, in your own time, for life! (Valued at $500)
In-Between Session Support - Get Lea at your fingertips for anything you need (Valued at $1000)
Take Action Support -Tailored take action plan and guides for easy implementation (Valued at $1000)
Bonus #1 Eating for Fertility Masterclass- (Valued at $35)
Bonus #2 Re-Center NOW Guide- (Valued at $47)
Bonus #3 How-to-Habits Guide (Valued at $36)
Bonus #4 111 Fertility Affirmations- (Valued at $35)
Bonus #5 Miscarriage Support Bonus Module- (Valued at $50)
A $7,000 Value..
All yours for a fraction of the price
All Major Credit Cards and Paypal Accepted
Pay with your preferred credit card- Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover OR PayPal
Secure order
Lea Nicole Coaching uses secure processing sites so you don't have to worry!
Client Love
See what Clients are saying about Lea Nicole Coaching
“Because of this program I am now equipped with all the tools I need to succeed and keep going. IVF is a huge process and being mentally prepared is key.”
Ana C.
“Lea Nicole is not only an IVF coach, but she truly understands what you are going through as she has been through this process which is very encouraging and comforting.”
Lea Nicole Coaching Client
“I honestly am so grateful and thankful to you for being a friend and guiding me through this new process. Everyone has a gift, and this is yours.”
Lea Nicole Coaching Client
© Copyright LEA NICOLE COACHING, LLC, 2024 All Rights Reserved.